[Diskussion] Do any non-native English speakers use this forum to practice English?


If so... has it helped?!

When I was learning Japanese, I tried to stay away from forums because of how much grammar was lost. It seems to me that English would be just as hard (if not more so with all of the rules you need to know!).


Well, I came here hoping to learn some German, so I hope it helps. I'm willing to help out anyone trying to learn English. Don't worry too much about the rules: even many native speakers forget them or just don't care to learn them.


Well, the end goal in learning any language is to speak like any average speaker, i guess, so if the average speaker doesn't use grammar, then you're good to go :D.


If you want to practice in english it is logical to go and find" English-language forum". Here you should probably practice in german (unless of course if you know it).Although in my case it is necessary to refresh in my memory english as well))


Many German people speak and write in English better than native English speakers :)
So if you have a goal in learning English, you can use this forum (English section, of course) :)


English is not my primary language, but I think that forums like this can help people who wants to learn English (in a way). I don't know if writing in "English-language forum" is always useful for people like me because they are often full of grammatical errors and abbreviations which I'm not able to understand.


In fact, thats what i´m doing since my registration, enjoying aNime and practicing at the same time not only my english but also my german.
Yeah, you really need to try other languages. Even if you make mistakes, people usually (but expect some idiots, of course) will step in and help you.


I intended to use this forum to learn both english and german. However, I still have no confidence to answer in german. Maybe I have to try it.


the best way actually to practice my English is to watch English spoken series with English subtitles. This way I can usually improve my pronunciation tremendously! Lately by watching Outlander I even picked up here and there some "Scoish accent!"


the best way to learn english is actually to watch news lol. anime subs may not have the right grammer just because they need to feel the same as how it would be spoken in japanese


I don't use it for that sole purpose, but yeah, I think it helps to read in another language, and to wirte things in that language yourself. Maybe you won't be gramatically correct 100% of the time, but at least you practice making yourself understood

Expanding Flan

Forums have helped me improve a lot with the language. I still go back to the first English forum I was in to read my old messages and cringe. I kinda want to learn a little bit of German to be able to post in the other sub forums too.

Clown ReeD

Nah man, not using this forum to improve my English. It's more than adequate as it is, anyway. I'm here for what 95% of WoH-Users are here for.